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The Resurrection Epistle # (L21)

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Tajuk: The Resurrection Epistle
ISBN: 9786059106320
Penerbit: Penerbitan Hayrat
Penulis: Badiuzzaman Said Nursi
Tahun Terbitan: 2018
Muka Surat: 102
Format: Softcover
Berat (kg): 0.146 kg
Dimensi (cm): 19.4 cm x 13.5 x 0.8 cm
The Resurrection Epistle constitutes the 10th word in The Words. It was written in 1928 in Barla, a village in the district of Isparta. The Resurrection Epistle was the very first epistle written by Imam Nursi in Barla.

The Resurrection Epistle treats the following 3 main subjects:

- Proving the existence of the Necessary Being.

- Proving His Names & Attributes.

- Proving the Resurrection via adducing proofs on the basis of the former 2 realities.

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