TASJIL ANIS SALATIN : The Malaccan Odyssey (TOMO)

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Tajuk: The Malaccan Odyssey
ISBN: 9789672437215
Penerbit: Patriots Publishing House
Penulis: Farahana Shuhaimi
Tahun Terbitan: 2021
Muka Surat: 184
Halaman: Hitam Putih
Format: Hardcover
Berat (kg): 0.327
Dimensi (cm): 21 x 14.1 x 2


Be proud, because Malacca is the highlight of the civilization of the nation. Read the great secrets about the richest port of Malacca in the past. Malacca is not just about Tuah-Jebat’s feud, the story of Puteri Gunung Ledang, nor the Taming Sari’s tale.

“Whoever is the lord of Malacca has his hand upon the throat of Venice.” – Tome Pires

The secret of majesty lies in the intellectual culmination of its citizens developing a great empire of the ages.

“Quem for senhor de Malaca, tem a sua mao na garganta de Veneza.”

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