A Remarkable Ramadan: Sound Book(Z18)

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Tajuk: A Remarkable Ramadan: Sound Book 
ISBN: 9789672420682SB
Penerbit: Tertib Publishing
Penulis: Najibah Nasruddin
Muka Surat: 12
Tahun terbit: 2022
Halaman: Berwarna
Format: Hardcover
Berat (kg): 0.315 kg
Dimensi buku (cm): 16.3  x 16.2 x 1.4 
Dimensi kotak (cm): 18.5 x 18.5 x 3


Here comes Ramadan!
A remarkable month to plan.
As we see the moon from afar,
we shall recite du’a and adhkar.

Make this Ramadan a remarkable moment for your little ones with ‘A Remarkable Ramadan’, a wonderful sound book to introduce adhkar sourced from the hadith that our children can learn during the blessed month. Press the buttons to hear the du’a recited out loud, and follow along!

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