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How The Bible Led Me To Islam (L65)

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Tajuk: How The Bible Led Me To Islam
ISBN: 9789672420057
Penerbit: Tertib Publishing
Penulis: Yusha Evans
Muka Surat: 85
Tahun terbit: 2020
Halaman: Hitam Putih
Format: Softcover
Berat (kg): 0.105 kg
Dimensi (cm): 17.8 cm x 12.7 cm x 0.5 cm


In the summer of 1996, Yusha Evans went on a passage through the Bible and its four Gospel. He scrutinized more than five different religions in search of God and His message. In 1998, he reverted to Islam.

He yearned for the truth in life which is to “Worship God alone as one, obey Him and His Messenger to go to Heaven,” of which he found through Islam.

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