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Price in points: 25 points
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In most of the countries of Southeast Asia, there is a glittering literary gem, known as the pantun, (it its various names and forms). It has captured the imagination and scholarship of many from within and without the area. The pantun is indigenous and unique, and is often considered as a kind of capsule of Malay life, thought and concept of literary aesthetics. It is clearly the artistic flower of the Nusantara peoples, their pride, a part of their creative talent, which unites and allows them to share a common heritage. Herein is to be found the genius of the Malays, their native wisdom and wonderful range of senses, meanings, and modes of expression. For many, herein is to be found the magic of Malay literature. Though the pantun is essentially oral in its form and delivery it can also bring intricate ideas and knowledge, as thoughtful in the written forms. This is so because it brings to life the music of the melodious Malay language, and the fine metaphors, mostly borrowed from nature. In our study we were able to collect pantuns from 39 dialects of Malay and 25 non-Malay languages. Love as a theme is the single most dominant, as the pantun is often seen as a medium of the heart and emotions, especially among the young. These poems are spoken or sung at harvest-time, marriage ceremonies and other social occasions. The most popular are when they are offered "sold" and answered "bought" among lovers, and publicly, in fine allusions, and within the decorum of the society. Related themes may include longing, unrequited emotions, parting, jealousy, dejection, the love triangle and anger.

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