The first title of the Corporate Matrimony series, the book guides readers into an unorthodox view of Sales and Marketing. Suitable for professionals of all working levels and backgrounds, the book is targeted to be on sale first quarter of 2019.
If you have ever made a friend, dated somebody, married or divorced your partner, you have a hidden talent for Sales and Marketing.
Corporate Matrimony aims to bring the core essence of Sales and Marketing through the metaphors of relationship building towards marriage, sharing a journey of how to woo Clients into signing long-term, profitable and mutually benefiting partnerships.
It is suitable for readers of any background and encourages a mind shift that Sales and Marketing skills can be nurtured. A book that combines both ends of the business world; it shares insights by a worldly top management leader and “on the ground – facing Clients – war zone” techniques of the ever evolving middle manager.
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