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Dream Du’a Do is the ultimate survival guide for the Millennial Muslimah. Packed with humour, honesty and heartfelt advice, this sunny book offers...
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Heartbroken Melancholy is a collection of poetry and prose that resonates with melancholy within us. This book explores the raw emotions of heartbreak,...
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About This Book: The significant Islamic ideas of patience and appreciation are perhaps explored in "Wings of Faith: Patience and Gratitude" by...
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If you’re a Muslim woman, married, and have a job, this is for you. Sailing the boat of life, passing through the island of marriage and career as a...
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Feeling sad? Anxious? Worried? We are always feeling concerned about uncertain things—our grades, our work, our family, our spouse, our children, and...
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Buku praktikal solat ni didatangkan dari sumber kitab-kitab muktabar, dalil daripada Al-Quran, hadith-hadith sahih, dan pendapat ulama. Dijelaskan dengan...
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Prophetic Protections  is a portion of the series of duʿaʾ, or invocations, that have been taught by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w., and collected...
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Antologi ini menghimpunkan cerpen-cerpen yang menyentuh pelbagai isu yang berlaku dalam masyarakat. Dari lorong yang sempit sehingga ke ruang angkasa yang...
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Casual Talk on Philosophy, Religion and Good Life is a conversational narration on philosophy, religion and how to live a balanced life, laced with...
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The Prophet said, "The Book of Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, is the rope of Allah. He who follows it will be upon right guidance and he who abandons it...
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Ketika membaca al-Quran, pernah tak kita terasa inkuiri, lalu bertanya, “Kenapa doa Nabi ini begini, dan kenapa doa Nabi itu begitu?” Kenapa ketika...
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