The author, beautifully weaved her life experiences while tending to her father during trying times. This book combines her life stories and factual information to stimulate the readers mind in face of real medical situation of a loved one.
If you were to be given a chance to tell a story to the world, what would you like the whole world to know? My solid intention was to share on:
Allah’s Love..
In this chapter of my life, I did not intend to highlight the sacrifices or the journey our family had gone through, especially when abah was in a life-threatening condition not too long ago.
I was more inclined to focus on what Allah had chartered for us as we go through our journey of life. As a matter of fact, time has made me realised that challenges thrown in our path have been beautifully wrapped with love from the Lord. How we respond to the challenges determines whether we excel or fail in our endeavour.The author, beautifully weaved her life experiences while tending to her father during trying times. This book combines her life stories and factual information to stimulate the readers mind in face of real medical situation of a loved one.
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